Thermal Capacitor (Capacitor)

Heat capacity (or mass) with entropy \(\sigma\in\mathbb R\), energy (exponential law):

\begin{equation*} H(\sigma)= C\,T_0\,\exp{\left(\frac{\sigma}{C}\right)}, \end{equation*}

and temperature:

\begin{equation*} \theta(\sigma) = \frac{d H}{d \sigma}(\sigma) = T_0\,\exp{\left(\frac{\sigma}{C}\right)}. \end{equation*}

Thermal Capacitor (Capacitor)

Heat capacity (or mass) with entropy \(\sigma\in\mathbb R\), energy (exponential law):

\begin{equation*} H(\sigma)= C\,T_0\,\exp{\left(\frac{\sigma}{C}\right)}, \end{equation*}

and temperature:

\begin{equation*} \theta(\sigma) = \frac{d H}{d \sigma}(\sigma) = T_0\,\exp{\left(\frac{\sigma}{C}\right)}. \end{equation*}

Power variables

flux: Entropy variation \(\frac{d\sigma}{dt}\) (W/K)

effort: Temperature \(\theta\) (K)


label : str
Capacitor label.
nodes : ('T',)
Thermal point associated with the heat mass. The node label must be the same as the component label. The capacity temperature is measured from the reference node (datum).
parameters : keyword arguments
Component parameter.
Key Description Unit Default
C Thermal capacity J/K 1000.0
T0 Initial temperature K 273.16


T = Capacitor('T', ('T',), C=1000.0, T0=273.16)

Netlist line

thermics.capacitor T ('T',): C=1000.0; T0=273.16;


>>> # Import dictionary
>>> from pyphs.dictionary import thermics
>>> # Define component label
>>> label = 'T'
>>> # Define component nodes
>>> nodes = ('T',)
>>> # Define component parameters
>>> parameters = {'C': 1000.0,   # Thermal capacity (J/K)
...               'T0': 273.16,  # Initial temperature (K)
...              }
>>> # Instanciate component
>>> component = thermics.Capacitor(label, nodes, **parameters)
>>> # Graph dimensions
>>> len(component.nodes)
>>> len(component.edges)