Linear Damper (Damper)

Linear mechanical damping (i.e. opposing force proportional to the velocity). In Laplace domain with \(s\in\mathbb C\):

\begin{equation*} f(s) = A \, e(s). \end{equation*}

Linear Damper (Damper)

Linear mechanical damping (i.e. opposing force proportional to the velocity). In Laplace domain with \(s\in\mathbb C\):

\begin{equation*} f(s) = A \, e(s). \end{equation*}

Power variables

flux: Force \(f\) (N)

effort: Velocity \(v\) (m/s)


label : str
Damper label.
nodes : ('P1', 'P2')
Mechanical points associated with the damper endpoints with positive flux N1->N2.
parameters : keyword arguments
Component parameter
Key Description Unit Default
A Damping coefficient N.s/m 1.0


damp = Damper('damp', ('P1', 'P2'), A=1.0)

Netlist line

mechanics.damper damp ('P1', 'P2'): A=1.0;


>>> # Import dictionary
>>> from pyphs.dictionary import mechanics
>>> # Define component label
>>> label = 'damp'
>>> # Define component nodes
>>> nodes = ('P1', 'P2')
>>> # Define component parameters
>>> parameters = {'A': 1.0,  # Damping coefficient (N.s/m)
...              }
>>> # Instanciate component
>>> component = mechanics.Damper(label, nodes, **parameters)
>>> # Graph dimensions
>>> len(component.nodes)
>>> len(component.edges)